Red Bridge (c. 1980s)

The utility and aesthetic value of this pedestrian bridge reflects the connection between Alpena Community College and Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan which are integrally tied in their educational and cultural missions. Constructed by the College as a gateway between institutions of education and learning, bridging the arts, humanities, history, social sciences, physical sciences and technology with nature and recreation, this bridge spans a historic County of Alpena drainage ditch and replaced an older railroad bridge at the back of Besser Museum and ACC properties. It facilitates parking and ready access for students and general pedestrian traffic across campuses. The bridge was painted red in 2016 to reflect a similar structure at Dow Gardens in Midland, MI. If you have not meandered across the bridge, take a walk and enjoy the connection between two beautiful and integrally related institutions of learning. Something so close can take you so far!

Height 4′ – width 4′ – length 37′

Artist – Unknown

Medium/Material – Architecture, utility, welding/steel

Information provided by Thunder Bay Art Council & Gallery, Tim Kuehnlein

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