Thunder Bay Arts presents SOPRANO & PIANO COLLABORATIVE MUSIC CONCERT at the First Congregational UCC on Friday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in collaboration with the Gilmore Institute of Kalamazoo
Event Details
Thunder Bay Arts presents SOPRANO & PIANO COLLABORATIVE MUSIC CONCERT at the First Congregational UCC on Friday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in collaboration with the Gilmore Institute of Kalamazoo and the Accompanist Fund at Thunder Bay Arts Council along with support from the Michigan Council for Arts and Culture/NEA. The concert is open to the public and free of charge.
Performers include Paige Heidrich and Tina Gorter. Heidrich is pursuing a DMA in voice Performance at Michigan State University where she also has a Master’s of Music degree. Gorter, collaborative pianist, has served as staff pianist at Western Michigan University since 2006. She regularly performs on the concert stage with the Kalamazoo’s Men’s Chorus, the Grand Rapids Opera and the Southwest Michigan Vocal Festival. Gorter teaches solo and collaborative piano at Gilmore Piano Camp.