Posen Potato Fields


Posen: Home of the Potato Festival!
The 65th Annual Posen Potato Festival starts tomorrow!
The village of Posen is located just outside of Alpena, Michigan. This prosperous farming community dates back to 1870 when the first immigrants, (primarily German & Polish), were drawn to northern Michigan, of the United States. Lumber camps were the first attraction to the area, but due to the excellent soil, Posen soon turned to farming.
It wasn’t always easy. Posen fought many significant fires, and was even completely wiped out by the Metz fire in 1908. “Little Poland” survived though, and by the 1930’s Posen had a mile of cement pavement running through a charming town made up of attractive homes, several stores, a bank, church, and school.
During prohibition, ‘Little Poland’ was known as the ‘Moonshine Center’. Posen farmers were very talented at producing high quality “shine”, and Posen was frequently raided by law enforcement (it certainly didn’t hinder them from their hobby, though!).
Soon Posen instead became known as Michigan’s Potato Capital! Now the Annual Posen Potato Festival attracts thousands of visitors each fall to celebrate their heritage with good old-fashioned fun!
#potatocapital #puremichigan #Posen #sanctuaryofthegreatlakes #alpena #northernmichigan #polka #poland #potatopancake #potato